Special Education » Special Education

Special Education

Here you will find District School Board Ontario North East's Special Education Plan as well as those responsible for the implementation and development of these guidelines. Our Special Education department consists of the following people:
Superintendent of Education: Steve Pladzyk
Vice Principal and System Administrator of Special Education: Jody Pecore
Mental Health and Well Being Lead: Denise Plante-Dupuis
Special Education Secretary: Noella Dufresne (New Liskeard Board Office)
District Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs):
Northern Region: Ainsley Pahl
Central Region:  Cristy Gattesco
Southern Region: Karen Smyth
Regional School Social Workers
Northern Region: Alyssa Boucher
Central Region: Sabrina Lepage
Southern Region: Matthew Schofield
Autism Support Officer: Alexandra Freeman
Behaviour Consultant: Vanessa Harmanmaa
Behaviour Consultant:  Selena Malott