Section: 1.1: Boards and Committees
Approved: November 17, 1998
Revised: February 1, 2022

1.0 The Indigenous Peoples' Advisory Committee of the Board shall:

1.1 Include representation on the Committee from each of the Indigenous Peoples’ communities with an Education Service Agreement (ESA) (or other agreement with the Board) and two additional Trustees of the Board:
    • Beaverhouse First Nation
    • Matachewan First Nation
    • Mattagami First Nation
    • Métis Council
    • Taykwa Tagamou Nation
    • Temagami First Nation
    • Timiskaming First Nation
    • Wahgoshig First Nation

1.2 Appoint the Indigenous Trustee of the Board to chair the Committee, and elect a Vice-Chairperson at the first meeting of each school year.


1.3 Have Committee members hold office for 4 years to coincide with the terms of the Trustee term of office.


1.4 Ensure that every vacancy on the Committee occasioned by the death or resignation of a member or by any other cause, shall be filled by a qualified person who shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term.


1.5 Hold a minimum of four formal meetings per year.


1.5.1 the Committee may call additional meetings as required to discuss and/or resolve specific issues as such may arise.


1.5.2 the Committee shall facilitate formal meetings between the Indigenous Peoples and the Board as such may be requested.


1.5.3 the Committee shall, in accordance with By-law No. 1, observe the Rules of the Board in all meetings, so far as applicable, no motion shall require to be seconded, and a motion for adjournment from a committee shall be to “rise and report to the Board”.


1.5.4 at all Committee meetings, regular or special, the presence either in person or electronically, of a majority of all members constituting the Committee shall be necessary to form a quorum. 

2.0 The Indigenous Peoples' Advisory Committee of the Board shall:


2.1 Prepare minutes and reports and make recommendations based on its findings for presentation to the Board on matters regarding the development and/or implementation of programs and services, facilities, Board policies and special services purchased through Education Service Agreements with respect to non-resident students who identify as First Nations, Métis and Inuit.


2.2 Provide advice and recommendations to the Board for all initiatives including but not limited to Indigenous studies, Indigenous Peoples’ languages, student retention, alternative education programs and cross-cultural education.


2.3 Provide direction to the Board regarding the implementation of special services purchased through Education Service Agreements and shall periodically provide evaluations of such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Education Service Agreement.


2.4 Respond to the Board on requests for advice and recommendations on any matters which the Board may present to the Committee.


2.5 Increase the cultural awareness and sensitivity of all Board Trustees and personnel through Professional Development and/or other related activities.


2.6 Facilitate the sharing of constructive initiatives for non-resident students who identify as First Nations, Métis and Inuit among the schools of the Board.

3.0 The Board shall:


3.1 Receive and consider all minutes, reports and recommendations submitted to it in writing by the Committee and shall prepare a written response to the Committee on all items received.


3.2 Seek the advice and recommendations of the Committee in developing new policies or when amending existing policies of the Board which may affect non-resident students who identify as First Nations, Métis and Inuit.


3.3 The costs for Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Committee members for travel and other related expenses would be dealt with in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Education Service Agreements or other agreements.


3.4 Provide administrative assistance to the Committee, including the coordination of meetings, minute-taking and the sharing of pertinent information.


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