Policy Manual » Procedure 1.1.5 TRUSTEE HONORARIA


Approved: October 6, 2006

Revised: November 6, 2018

               October 18, 2022

1.0 Objective

1.1 District School Board Ontario North East recognizes the importance and value of providing fair levels of honoraria for Trustees as set out in Ontario Regulation 357/06 “Honoraria for Board Members”.

1.2 A Trustee’s term of office commences on November 15, 2022, and ends on November 14, 2026, as described by the Education Act.


2.0 Components of Honorarium

2.1 Base Amount

2.1.1 For each Trustee, for each year of term of office, beginning November 15, 2022, the base amount shall be five thousand nine hundred dollars $5,900.00.

2.1.2 The amount paid to the Chair shall be the base amount plus five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).

2.1.1 The amount paid to the Vice-Chair shall be the base amount plus two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).

2.2 Enrolment Amount

2.2.1 For each Trustee, the annual enrolment amount paid shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the calculation described in Ontario Regulation 357/06.

2.2.2 The amount paid to the Chair shall be the annual enrolment amount plus the sum of the ADE, multiplied by five cents ($0.05) with a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) and a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).

2.2.3 The amount paid to the Vice-Chair shall be the annual enrolment amount plus the sum of the ADE, multiplied by two- and one-half cents ($0.025) with a minimum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and a maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).

2.3 Attendance Amount

A Trustee shall not receive any additional honoraria for attending any meeting of a committee of the Board that is required to be established by an Act or a regulation made under an Act. O. Reg. 357/06, s. 7(1), 7(2).

2.4 Distance Amount

The Board may give Trustees a maximum of fifty dollars ($50.00) if both the following conditions apply:

2.4.1 The Board area is greater than 9,000 square kilometres and;

2.4.2 A Trustee, who travels more than 200 kilometres from their residence to attend a meeting of the Board or its committees.

2.4.3 A Trustee may receive the distance amount only once in respect of any day.

2.5 Service for a Partial Year

The honorarium paid to a Trustee for a partial year is determined by prorating, according to the time served, the base amount and the enrolment amount for a Trustee who serves a full year.