Policy Manual » Policy 1.2.1 EMPLOYEE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA


Approved: November 6, 2012
Revised: June 20, 2023

1.0 Rationale

This policy provides guidelines for the responsible use of Social Media by all employees of District School Board Ontario North East.

Social Media interactions are to be professional and reflect the board’s character attributes: caring, co-operative, honest, inclusive, respectful and responsible. There is an ethical responsibility for all Board employees to commit to student’s well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy.

Modelling professionalism in all forms of communication is vital to maintaining the public trust. Students and staff want to take the technology they use in their daily lives and integrate it with how they work and learn. More and more, they tell us that they want, and need, their learning experiences in school to reflect this. As the use of Social Media becomes more prevalent and continues to grow, it is important that we all build and model strong online safety skills to establish an appropriate and positive digital footprint.

2.0 Definitions

Blended Account: A Social Media account that is used both for personal business and communication, as well as for professional interactions that are school related. Professional interactions include, but are not limited to, communication with parent/guardians, students, the school community, and any other educational stakeholders.

Employees: All staff including, but not limited to, professional teaching staff, support staff, educational assistants, administrative staff, maintenance staff, and student teachers and co-operative education students placed at District School Board Ontario North East.

Personal Account: A Social Media account that is used for your personal use only.

Professional Account: A Social Media account that is used for carrying out your duties as a District School Board Ontario North East employee. This includes communicating with community, parents and students.

Social Media: Online technology that facilitates the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression in online communities. Not only do users provide information, but they can also interact with each other using Social Media. Some popular examples include, but are not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, WhatsApp, YouTube, Reddit, Quora, Pinterest, Flipboard, Yelp, Tumblr, Etsy, Tiktok, Discord.

3.0 Policy 

It is the policy of District School Board Ontario North East to provide guidelines for the responsible, respectful and professional use of Social Media by all Board employees.