Reviewed: September 4, 2018

Principal or designate provides an appraisal of the Educational Assistants.

Educational Assistants will create an annual growth plan to establish professional development goals.

A performance appraisal will occur during the probationary period as defined by the Collective Agreement.  Subsequent performance appraisals must occur once every three years.   The Principal may conduct additional performance appraisals as deemed necessary.

The Performance Appraisal will be based on:

  1. Student Management
  2. Professional Responsibility
  3. Knowledge
  4. Communications
  5. Attitude/Work Habits

Nothing in the Procedures will contravene the Collective Agreement.

Categories of Performance Appraisal

1.0 Appraisal of Probationary Educational Assistant
1.1 Each principal or designate will appraise each Educational Assistant during the probationary period as defined by the Collective Agreement. The Appraisal will be based on the Educational Assistant Performance Framework (Appendix A) utilizing the Educational Assistant Performance Appraisal (Appendix B).


1.2 The report will result in a recommendation for action.

2.0 Appraisal of Education Assistant
2.1 Each principal/designate must appraise the Educational Assistant once every three (3) years (or as required).
2.2 The Educational Assistant will receive the Educational Assistant Performance Framework to be used as the basis for the evaluation (Appendix A) at a pre-assessment conference.
2.3 The Educational Assistant Performance Appraisal (Appendix B) will be a result of ongoing observations, classroom visits and discussions.
2.4 The Educational Assistant Performance Appraisal (Appendix B) will be reviewed by the principal or designate with the Educational Assistant and a copy will be placed in the Educational Assistant’s personnel file.

3.0 Annual Growth Plan

3.1 This will be a self-directed process, which will be completed annually.

3.2 In consultation with the principal/designate, the Educational Assistant will determine an appropriate goal for growth based on the Educational Assistant Performance Framework outcomes determined in their last appraisal and will draft an Annual Growth Plan (Appendix C). This plan will outline partners, roles, activities and resources.

3.3 The Educational Assistant and Principal will agree on the timeline for implementing the Annual Growth Plan, methods for monitoring growth, specific indicators of growth and procedure for reporting.

3.4 The Annual Growth Plan will be reviewed with the principal or designate by the end of the year.

4.0 Appraisal of Educational Assistant at Risk (Appendix D)
4.1 The notification that an Educational Assistant is On Review is a serious point on the continuum of performance appraisal. Before notification to an Educational Assistant that they are On Review, it is assumed that the principal or designate will have made an effort to improve performance through the Performance Appraisal process.
4.2 Notification to the Educational Assistant of the On Review process will be made in writing from the principal/designate. Copies of the letter will be sent to the Regional Superintendent of Schools, the Superintendent of Schools with Special Education responsibilities, Special Education Administrator, and the Union President. The letter shall state the specific areas of performance requiring improvement with expectations, assistance to be provided, a timeline for improvement and method of assessment.


4.3 At the end of the assessment period the Superintendent of Schools with Special Education responsibilities will evaluate and prepare a letter stating that performance is satisfactory or making a recommendation for termination to the Director of Education.

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