Policy Manual » Policy 1.2.4 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING


Approved: March 6, 2001

Revised: September 4, 2018

1.0 Rationale

The Education Act, 1998 outlines the statutory powers of school boards to hire staff.

a) Section 171(3) appoint employees

“subject to Part XI, appoint and remove such officers and servants and, subject to Part X, appoint and remove such teachers, as it considers expedient, determine the terms on which such officers, servants and  teachers are to be employed, prescribe their duties and fix their salaries, except that in the case of a secretary of a board who is a member of the board, the board may pay only such compensation for his or her services as is approved by the electors at a meeting of the electors;”

2.0 Definitions

Employee: an individual who agrees to work in a contract for services, on a full-time or part-time basis for District School Board Ontario North East (the Board) for a specified or indeterminate period of time. Salary or wages are paid to this individual, and from this payment deductions are taken for Canada Pension Plan, Income Taxes, Employment Insurance, and any applicable deductions as determined by the respective Employee group.

Individuals who have left the employ of the Board and who return to employee status within one year are exempt from the procedures outlined in this policy.

3.0 Policy 

District School Board Ontario North East will ensure that all prospective employees be screened prior to being hired and commencing work.