Policy Manual » Procedure 1.2.4 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING


Approved: March 6, 2001

Revised: September 4, 2018

1.0 It is Board policy that all prospective employees participate in the pre-employment screening process. All offers of employment are conditional upon satisfactory completion or submission of the required elements for pre-employment screening. If an individual chooses not to participate, the application for employment will not be given further consideration.
  1. reference check
  2. Vulnerable Sector Screening Check (in accordance with board policy 1.2.13: Criminal Background Checks)
  3. appropriate certification as required
  4. Pre-Employment Physical Job Screening (if applicable)
  5. Appendix A: Request for Performance Appraisal Report Results (if applicable)
  6. All other requirements specific to the job
2.0 All pre-employment screening costs are to be paid by the prospective employee (with the exception of the Pre-Employment Physical Job Screening test).
3.0 Prior to commencing employment, the immediate supervisor must complete Section A, B and C of the Recommendation Form (Appendix B) and forward it to the Human Resources department ([email protected]) for approval.
4.0 Prior to commencing employment, the Human Resources Department must have verified the completion of the mandatory requirements in Section B of the Recommendation Form.
5.0 The Vulnerable Sector Screening Check for the recommended candidate shall be received, reviewed, and retained by Human Resources in a secure file.

Legislative Authority:

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Criminal Code

The Ontario Human Rights Code

The Police Services Act

The Child and Family Services Act

The Young Offenders Act

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

The Education Act

Policy/Program Memorandum No. 147

The Occupational Health & Safety Act

Education Act: Section 171 (3)