Approved: April 3, 2001

Revised: December 1, 2020

1.0 Rationale

District School Board Ontario North East is committed to ensure that students receive the full benefit of an educational system staffed by competent and effective teachers through the promotion and implementation of professional growth opportunities for teachers as well as providing regular monitoring and support for all staff.

DSB Ontario North East intends to support professional growth through a wide range of professional development initiatives and to provide a fair, effective and consistent teacher evaluation process in all schools.

DSB Ontario North East will meet with the objectives stated above through the adherence of not only Board Policy but in compliance with the Education Act and related legislation such as the Ministry of Education 2010 Teacher Performance Appraisal Manual.  In addition to this the Board will implement appropriate Professional Development for New Teachers participating in the New Teacher Induction Program as well as supporting school administrators to allow them to fulfil their obligations with respect to the appraisal process.

2.0 Definitions

New Teachers:  All teachers certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (including teachers trained out-of-province) who have been hired into permanent positions, full or part-time, by the Board to begin teaching for the first time in Ontario.

Experienced Teachers:  All teachers who have completed the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP), or who held permanent positions in Ontario’s publicly funded schools prior to the implementation of the NTIP program in September 2006, as well as temporary teachers (those teaching on a Letter of Permission).

3.0 Policy 

District School Board Ontario North East is committed to providing the best instructional practices possible for our students.  Therefore, all staff will adhere to the following Administrative Regulations and Operational Procedures as well as the Ministry of Education’s 2010 Technical Requirements Manual for Teacher Performance Appraisal.