Policy Manual » Policy 1.2.7 DISPLAY OF FLAGS


Approved: September 18, 2001
Revised: June 2, 2020

1.0 Rationale

District School Board Ontario North East demonstrates respect for our country, province and the flag by flying and displaying the National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario at all schools and offices in our system,.  District School Board Ontario North East will, on occasion, fly the flags at half-mast, as a mark of respect for students, staff, trustees and our communities.

Regulation 298, Section 5 of the Education Act states the following: 

5. (1) Every school shall fly both the National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario on such occasions as the board directs. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 298, s. 5 (1).
5. (2) Every school shall display in the school the National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 298, s. 5 (2).

2.0 Definitions

Full-mast:  Term used to describe a flag flying at the top of a flagpole. 

Half-mast:  Term used to describe a flag flying below the top of a flagpole to indicate mourning.

3.0 Policy 

It is the policy of District School Board Ontario North East to display flags with dignity and respect.

This policy is aligned with and supports the principles and expectations of the Board’s policies for Safe Schools and Equity and Inclusive Education.  At all times, this policy shall be consistent with all DSB1 policies and the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario shall fly at all DSB1 schools and sites and be displayed in all schools, in accordance with Regulation 298, Section 5 of the Education Act.