Policy Manual » Procedure 1.2.7 DISPLAY OF FLAGS

Procedure 1.2.7 DISPLAY OF FLAGS

Approved: September 18, 2001
Revised: June 2, 2020

1.0 Overview

1.1 The National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario shall be flown at full-mast at  every school and Board office on every calendar day. It is the responsibility of custodial staff to ensure that the flag isclean and in good condition at all times.

1.2 All flags secondary to the National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario shall support and align with DSB1’s policies in promoting a safe and inclusive learning and working environment for all students, staff and community members.

2.0 Dignity of the National Flag of Canada

The National Flag of Canada will take a position of prominence at all times when displayed with other flags.

2.1 No flag shall be larger than the National Flag of Canada.

2.2 No flag shall fly higher than the National Flag of Canada. 

3.0 Exterior Flags

3.1 Every operating school and Board-owned site shall fly the National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario on one or more outside flagpoles.

3.1.1 If the two flags fly on the same flagpole, the National Flag of Canada will fly above the Provincial Flag of Ontario.

3.2 The Pride flag and the Indigenous flag will be raised at all schools and sites during the month of June, where possible.

3.3 A school may request to fly another flag which is not connected in any way with a political party or religious group, for a specified period of time.

3.3.1 The request must include the type of flag, the reason for the flag-raising and the duration of the flag-raising.

3.3.2 The request must be made to the school’s Superintendent of Education a minimum of 10 days in advance of the proposed day.

3.3.3 Notification of the approval of the request is to be made to the Director and the Communications Officer 5 days in advance of the flag-raising. 

4.0 Flying at Half-mast for Mourning 

The flags shall be flown at half-mast from the time of notification of the death up to and including the day of thememorial service, or the next operational day.  If there is no service or if the service is postponed until a later date, the flags will be flown at half-mast for 5 operational days.

4.1 Exterior flags shall be lowered to half-mast throughout the system on the death of:
      • The Sovereign or a member of the Royal Family related in the first degree to The Sovereign
      • The Governor-General of Canada or a former Governor-General
      • The Prime Minister of Canada or a former Prime Minister
      • The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario or a former Lieutenant-Governor
      • The Premier of Ontario or a former Premier
      • The Member of the Federal or Provincial Electoral Riding
      • A Member of the Board of Trustees
      • The Director of Education
4.2 In the event of the death of an employee or a student, the flags at both Board offices and the school(s) or site in which this person was employed or attending school shall be flown at half-mast.
4.3 To observe the following occasions, the exterior flags shall be flown at half-mast on an annual basis at all DSB1 schools and sites:
      • November 8 – Indigenous Veterans Day
      • November 11 – Remembrance Day
      • December 6 – National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
      • April 28 – National Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the workplace
      • May 5 – Mising and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
      • June 23 – National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism

When the above dates fall on a day when schools and other sites are not in operation, the exterior flags shall be lowered at the end of the last operational day before the date being observed and raised again on the next operational day.

4.4 The Director of Education may also order the lowering of flags to half-mast on the death of a person held in special regard in the system or community, or in the event of a provincial or national tragedy.
4.5 The Director of Education will consult with coterminous school boards, and may consult with local municipalities and the offices of the local Members of Parliament and Provincial Parliament, as appropriate, when lowering flags.
4.6 When flags need to be lowered and subsequently raised, staff will follow the outlined communication protocol.
4.6.1 If an event falls under 4.1, 4.3 and/or 4.4, the Director or designate will approve the lowering of all flags across DSB1. The Director’s Office will email the Chief Custodians and cc the Building Supervisors and Manager of Building Services and request that all flags be lowered to half-mast in the system.  The email will include the dates by which the flags need to be lowered and subsequently raised.  In addition, the Communications Officer will send an email to all DSB1 staff explaining why the flags have been lowered to half-mast.
4.6.2 If an event that falls under 4.2, the Principal will email the school’s Chief Custodian and cc the Building Supervisor, Superintendent of Education and Communications Officer to request that the school’s exterior flag(s) be lowered to half-mast. The email will include the reason and dates by which the flags need to be lowered and subsequently raised. In addition, the Principal will email all school staff explaining why the flags have been lowered to half-mast.

5.0 Interior Flags

5.1 An interior flag is to be displayed using a wall mounting, a flag stand, or it may be hung flat against a wall.
5.2 Every school shall display the National Flag of Canada and the Provincial Flag of Ontario inside the school in a prominent location.
5.3 At the discretion of the Principal, a school may also display another flag that is not connected in any way with a political party or religious group inside the school for a specified period of time.

6.0 Provision, Care And Maintenance Of Flags

6.1 The Building Services department will be responsible for the provision, care and maintenance of the flags (National Flag of Canada and Provincial Flag of Ontario), flagpoles and related equipment.
6.2 Flags shall be regularly inspected for signs of wear and damage, and shall be replaced when tattered, noticeably faded or otherwise no longer suitable for use.
6.3 Any National Flag of Canada or Provincial Flag of Ontario that is to be discarded shall be sent to DSB1’s Building Services department for disposal in a dignified manner. No National Flag of Canada or Provincial Flag of Ontario shall be placed in the garbage for disposal.

Regulation 298, Section 5 of the Education Act
Government of Canada website: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/flag-canada-etiquette/about.htmll  Ontario Human Rights Code