Policy Manual » Policy 1.2.10 TECHNOLOGY USE STANDARDS


Approved: October 15, 2002
Revised: May 7, 2024

1.0 Rationale

District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1) is committed to providing a safe, positive, and mutually respectful student focused environment which promotes the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for life-long learning. As technologies continue to develop and expand, they impact the educational environment in many positive ways.  Appropriate use of technology and its educational benefits should be taught by all teachers in support of effective instruction and student learning.

DSB1 (the Board) believes in the benefits that technology can bring to support daily operations and student achievement. While maximizing the benefits of technology, maintaining a learning environment that is safe, ethical and appropriate to the needs and well-being of all members of the Board community is paramount.  All users are individually accountable for engaging in the ethical and legal use of technology and technology services provided by the Board.

2.0 Definitions

User: All employees, students, trustees, members of Board committees, school council chairs and all other persons given authorized access to technology (i.e., facilities and resources) and technology services provided by DSB1. This includes anyone accessing these tools from locations other than their work locations. 

Email (Electronic Mail): The standard electronic mail system (Microsoft Outlook/ Outlook Web Access) used by DSB1 users to communicate with each other, and persons not employed by the Board. An email message can be a record if made or received in connection with the transaction of Board business and must be retained in accordance with the Recorded Information Management and Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy policy and procedure.  The value of a record is determined by its subject and not its format.

Appropriate Use: Following and respecting relevant federal and provincial laws and regulations (e.g., Copyright Act, Education Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Ontario Human Rights Code, and Criminal Code).  Following and respecting Board policies and procedures.  Utilizing the Board’s Internet and email services in a responsible and ethical manner consistent with the educational, informational and recreational purposed for which they are provided. 

3.0 Policy 

The technology and technology services supplied by the Board will be used in an appropriate manner and guided by this policy and the Technology Use Standards (Procedure 1.2.10). This includes, but is not limited to, computers, laptops, tablets, cellphones and other personal technologies, use of the world wide web and electronic mail (email) services; in essence, any device whether it be Board-provisioned or personal that connects to the Boards network. All DSB1 staff, students, trustees, school councils and other select individuals who are given access to the Board’s technology and technology services are required to know and abide by this policy to ensure that information technology is being used in a safe and responsible manner. Use of personal devices (e.g., personal mobile phone) on non-Board networks when used in the school learning environment are also subject to this policy.