Approved: November 5, 2003
Revised: November 17, 2020

Administrative Regulations

1.0 Equipment is considered obsolete when it is no longer useful either because of changes in safety standards, technology or educational needs.

2.0 Equipment may be considered surplus when it has not been used for a period of a full school year.

3.0 Schools and departments shall endeavour to clear out unused furniture and equipment regularly to ensure safe and appropriate use of space.

4.0 Surplus items are to be offered to other DSB1 schools or departments first.

5.0 All items that are surplus to the system may be sold through a fair public process. The process would ensure that all individuals have equal access to the items available for sale.

The public may be defined as the parents, students and staff of the school or the community at large.

All such sales shall be on an “as is” basis wherein prior to agreement to purchase, the purchaser shall beadvised that the sale is on an “as is” basis and that the Principal, the School and District School Board Ontario North East shall not be responsible for any defects or deficiencies with respect to the sale of the said item.

Profits from sales will go to the appropriate department or school responsible for the sale.

6.0 Written approval for the sale of items whose current value exceeds $250.00 must be obtained from the Superintendent of Business. Profit from such sales will be allocated in consultation with the Superintendent of Business.

Items with a current value of $250.00 or less may be disposed of by a school or department through a fair public process. Profits from sales will be for school use.

7.0 The Principal will be responsible for the appropriate disposal of obsolete books at the school.

8.0 Furniture and/or equipment which becomes surplus to an individual no longer acting in their capacity with the Board will be returned to the appropriate manager and subject to those operational procedures.

9.0 Items in a school through donations or fundraising become the property of the school and therefore, the Board shall assume the required liability.

Any profits from the disposal of surplus furniture and equipment, which has been purchased through fundraising or donated to a particular school, shall be allocated in consultation with the Superintendent of Business.  Proof of such ownership must be available.

10.0 If any disposals involve articles deemed to be of significant historical or cultural value, the following will be taken into account and accommodated as appropriate:

10.1 the significance of the article to the system and the possibility of retention;
10.2 the feasibility of external archiving;
10.3 the possibility of transfer to an appropriate authority such as a historical society, municipality, institute, etc.

11.0 Real property, buildings and portable classrooms are excluded from this policy and procedure.  For assets and equipment purchased by Information Services, please refer to Appendix A.

Operational Procedures

1.0 Schools and departments that have surplus furniture or equipment are to;

1.1 Offer the surplus to other DSB1 schools and departments, directly through email with the pertinent facts about the item(s).

1.2 If the surplus item(s) is not needed by other DSB1 schools and departments, the school or department can provide the Purchasing Coordinator and the Manager of Information Services with an inventory list of the surplus items outlining the pertinent facts about each item.           

2.0 Furniture and equipment deemed to have continued use within the Board will be retained by the Purchasing Coordinator and/or the Manager of Information Services and allocated or offered to schools or departments as the need arises.

3.0 Furniture and equipment deemed surplus or obsolete to the Board may be sold by the school or department through a fair public process.

4.0 Each and every public sale of furniture and/or equipment shall be made on the strict and expressed condition to the vendor, prior to agreement to sell the said furniture and/or equipment to the vendor that thesale is on an “as is” basis and that neither the principal involved in the sale, nor the school involved, nor District School Board Ontario North East shall be responsible for any defects or deficiencies with respect to the said item of furniture and/or equipment.

5.0 After the above procedure is followed, the Purchasing Coordinator or the Manager of Information Services will dispose of all remaining furniture and equipment in a manner that is safe and in compliance with the appropriate laws/legislation.

6.0 The following procedures will be followed for the disposal of obsolete books.

6.1 All books to be disposed of will be stamped “Discard”.

6.2 Books that are beyond repair will be destroyed.

6.3 Books that are out of date and no longer required in the school may be distributed to students who may wish to have them for extra reading.

6.4 Through communication with all appropriate schools in the Board, the principal is responsible for ensuring that no further use can be made of obsolete books as supplemental texts in any school in the system.

7.0 All obsolete or damaged library books may be donated or sold through a fair public process. Profits from sales will go to the appropriate department or school responsible for the sale.