Why is Student Attendance important?
Student Attendance has a direct correlation to a students access and ability to learn. We need children in school to lead and help them achieve their own personal excellence . Missing class at any age can create barriers to fundamental skills that are required for learning at all ages. Further, practicing good attendance at school develops routines and habits that improve overall health by improving familiarity that decreases stress and anxiety.
I have difficulty transporting my child to school. How can the school board help?
For families having difficulties with transportation, please call your school and the school will be able to work with you to create a plan for travelling to and from school. At many DSB1 schools there are before and after school programming for families that are unable to pick up/drop off their student at regular hours. Additionally, DSB1 works alongside the North East Tri-Board Transportation to provide bussing services to students. Please visit geoquery.netribus.ca for more information.
How can I get involved in attendance programs in my school?
District School Board Ontario North East encourages family and community involvement in all schools. Attendance improves when everyone gets involved to support students in positive ways. Families are able to join a School Council to bring ideas forward. Additionally, community members can help improve attendance by volunteering in schools to support students needs, encourage students to attend school, and continue the conversation.
How is the school board ensuring the student safety at school?
Within DSB1 schools the safety of our students and staff is the top priority. It is encouraged that each person entering the school should complete a COVID screening self-assessment. This tool can be found on the left hand side of the DSB1 website and is used as a guide on what precautions that can be took when deciding to attend school. Linked
HERE is an Attendance Health Flyer that can be helpful in determining wether or not to send a child to school.